Knights of the Vine Progressive Dinner

Under cloudless blue skies, 70 degree Carmel weather (shhh! don’t tell!) and a backdrop of towering pine trees, Troubadours of the Knights of the Vine, progressed through the fabled streets…
Read moreUnder cloudless blue skies, 70 degree Carmel weather (shhh! don’t tell!) and a backdrop of towering pine trees, Troubadours of the Knights of the Vine, progressed through the fabled streets…
Read moreBlue skies smilin’ at me Nothin’ but blue skies do I see Blue days, all of them gone Nothin’ but blue skies from now on Irving Berlin wrote the words…
Read moreMinions have written about Mickey Muennig’s visionary architectural Big Sur retreat Post Ranch. Lunch at the famed resort with Chef John Cox late last Spring was an event worthy of sharing. …
Read more“You and Dad are simply not COOL enough to go to this place, Mom.” Well, since I have lived my life by the hair of a good challenge, we were…
Read moreSavoring great wine is a profound joy in life to the devotee’s of the Knights of the Vine. Learning about the wine creates an understanding in the depths of the…
Read moreWoW is Daou! I had heard about this winery from two sources in recent months. We belong to a great wine and food group and during an event, after learning…
Read moreAlain Ducasse, restaurateur, entrepreneur and most recently, chocolatier, said ” To start from scratch with passion, without expertise but with passion, and expertise will come from passion” reminded me of…
Read moreVerdant Central California in April: a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, an imbibers paradise, a shoppers dream or is it just a once sleepy, cowboy hilled…
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