Second in Trilogy….the Pasta Class

Cousin Karen with Fabio…..Looks happy, no?
Cooking classes have always called to me, even after I really learned to cook as a teen. Nineteen, married with an ability to cook pot roast, well done, was not the answer. Off to a fancy cooking school for training including knife sharpening 101, how to cut up freshly killed fowl, up to and including sugar roses on wedding cakes. My lifelong love of cooking, food and wine was born.
Having attended hundreds of classes over the ensuing decades, I never tire of the personalized patter and occasional new idea. When deciding on the perfect house gift for the cousin’s generous hospitality, Fabio was the logical choice. Remember I already mentioned her penchant for Italian good looks, so what could be better than an up close and personal two hour session with him? Even if it included 89 of other close and personal friends.
Off we ventured to Cafe Frienze on a late, hot Simi Valley Sunday. I did say 89, besides cousin Karen, a rather large group to cook with, yet when we were shown the open air seating arrangement, it all made sense. Banquet style seating with bar tables for two at the back were already taken by the devotee early arrival parties. Wine was being ordered and he was there, holding court at the front of the room including a dais with two food processors. As we were seated we noticed only one server trying to get the thirsty patrons the choice d’jour. Carefully plotting the length of time before our adult beverage might arrived, off my hubby went to the bar to make sure we were being served. Couldn’t resist the urge to order the aforementioned in previous blog, San Luis Obispo Pinot Gris just to make sure it was as crisp as the day before. Stunning.
Trim, action packed, peppering requests to the now numerous servers that were appearing, Fabio’s boyish charm was immediately evident. He was at once at home and welcoming to folks he knew, tossing small quips about the audio system and gently yet firmly commanding hovering sous chefs regarding his needs of the moment. He was in charge of the afternoon and as he spoke, apparently his growing empire.
Starting close to on-time was an amazing feat with folks still being seated and drinks arriving. Self effacing, he told the story of his grandmother taking him into the kitchen at an early age to curb the energies of the young Italian boy. A hand full of explosive laughter erupted from the audience as he explained the intricacies of measuring cups, spoons and other useless utensils in his kitchen. Fabio measures a pinch of anything with his three fingers and likens the experience to a healthy squeeze of the Italian woman’s sedere. He admonishes those that only use two fingers for a pinch. I don’t think I will look at a pinch of salt the same way henceforth.
Whilst Fabio created the four pasta dough along with a continuous flow of information, pasta tips and sauce ideas, the kitchen was in full swing presenting hot plates of steaming trofie, eggless pasta with four cheese and duck sausage, orecchiette made with whole wheat and pesto, egg pasta with Bolognese and the piece d’ resistance, penne made gluten free with fresh pomodoro. This is a challenge, gluten free pasta. It was incredible! Fabio dropped hints it might be one of his next ventures in marketing. I am in for this one and I am not even gluten intolerant. The gluten free food market research relates today’s $4.2 billion share of our dollar spent on gluten free products will grow to $6 billion by 2017. Fabio’s timing is impeccable.
The two hour confab included recipes, a photo op and an update on his new Miami eatery. With restaurants in Chicago, a bi weekly e-magazine, cookbooks and another hint about a wine club appealing to those of us with great palate but not bottomless wallets, this is the Man of the Hour. My vote, he’ll last longer than the hour.
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