Balance vs. Unhinged-a discussion

As I look back on my life choices, I wish I had pursued either the study of philosophy, law or that combination, the philosophy of law as it pertains to the human values and attitudes. Not to become a practicing lawyer, currently not the most revered career, nor to be one who merely spews long gone true thinkers truths, but for the sheer ability to think fast, on the run, with witty and profound answers and stinging rebuttals to off-hand or provoking remarks.

More often than not, my brain processes at Commodore 64 levels and the articulate ability to defend my principals arrive long after the badgering comment has left the station.

It happened yesterday, before my first glass of wine, so that excuse doesn’t hold a drop of Pinot Grigio.

The talk was about the election and my friend had called to ‘see how I was doing.’ She and I go back a long way, and I have never been shy about my political leanings. We’ve disagreed on local issues in the past, yet I didn’t feel the need to unfriend her on Facebook.

Remember me? Four years ago I had the cleanest bathrooms in the State of Hawaii, numbed by the fact Hillary had conceded. I was on a plane, halfway across the world to take part in the Woman’s March in January 2016. I am a pro-Squad progressive, pro women’s rights, pro LGBTQ, with some underlying scents of economic conservatism. My friend states her beliefs lie closest to libertarian. Text book differences, simply defined, between Democrat and Libertarian:

Taxes-Democrats believe in taxing the rich at greater levels. Libertarians want the entire system revamped and a tax on consumption.

Federal government-Democrats are more community-oriented in responsibility to community and social justice. Libertarian leans towards individual responsibility and they believe in individual rights and freedoms.

So far not too far apart to not speak.

LGBTQ issues are broadly aligned and close to agreement.

Mixed on military spending, though Democrats lean towards funding and Libertarians lean towards no war support efforts.

Okay, brief lesson over and more to explain my thinking and there is enough respect and neutral ground for a post-Covid Thanksgiving dinner invitation to my concerned friend and her husband.

Back to the telephone call. I was positive regarding the vote count and how this election is proving I should have paid attention to Miss Garcia in my senior year Civics class, but mighty glad someone else did, because the system is working, even in this cliff hanger election. Expressing my sadness regarding the polarization of the American people, her comment…wait for it…’maybe it shows balance in the country.’

At that moment, my head cocked to the side like a video I recently viewed of Alaskan Husky puppies turning their heads while listening to Christmas music, and my response was just as mute. Yet, it stuck with me until 4:00 am the next morning when I thought, wait a minute.

Wait a minute. Balance? Not an adjective racing to the top of my Thesaurus when I look at the last four years of White House leadership. It is not a climate of balance the former President evoked, there was never a calm approach to differing viewpoints. I do not believe the millions who are voting for the incumbent are white supremacist, gun toting, fake news believing voters. That would destroy the belief in my fellow man; my belief we are all one, my basic Democratic belief that we are our brother’s keeper, even the meth heads and prostitutes. I cannot believe our currently divided nation, which she based her comment on the amount of folks who voted for the former President, equals balanced opinions, with millions voting for the very man who has put so many I know on Xanax or cannabis gummy bears, or both, in the last four years.

I would like to believe that my post-Covid Thanksgiving table discussion will entertain like-minded and opposing views, respectfully stated. I would like to believe my friend was goading me towards thought. And boy was she, 750 words before 7:00 am. I really need to work on that 14 hour lag time though and have my debate notes on balance vs. unhinged. The final tally, not in yet, is nowhere near defining the word balanced. Balance is not racist, misogynist or un-Democratic.

The true founders of the Republican party, the likes of Abraham Lincoln, and the men whose genius founded the principals of democracy in a fated document written in a state that held a key to the next four years, Pennsylvania, are now saying…wait for it…be patient, and we were. And the people spoke.

It will be up to whoever sits in the Oval Office and those he entrusts to reach out, listen and hope we can become one nation, with differing views, but all welcome at the table with decorum and respect.

After four years of lies and deceit from an egotistical narcissist and his sycophants, whose only real claim to fame is provocation and third-grade bulling, we can regain sanity.

For me, there is a striking similarity to four years ago, yet for polar opposite reasons. I cried bitter tears after Hillary’s loss, and today I weep for joy watching the heros of this election; the postal workers, the election workers, Stacey Abrams, Gretchen Whitmer, Black Lives Matter supporters, LGBTQ members, Kamala Harris and the Biden family, and thousands more who fought for this moment.

Today I am once again proud to be part of a county who stopped the madness. To my friend who thinks the vote shows balance, I disagree and yet,  wholeheartedly support her right to her voice and promise to listen, respectfully.

3 thoughts on “Balance vs. Unhinged-a discussion

  1. Cee

    Well, Lady Justice is wearing a blindfold while holding the scales. 😉 Thinking about the state of our country I don’t think balanced. It’s more divided. Those damn semantics!

  2. Harry Blumenthal

    Dear Carol, Politics caught my eye this morning from your list of articles. I love your calm approach to each topic you write about…including this one. And I do agree with your afterthought. We are more divided than at any other time in my lifetime and that’s a bit scary. A friend said yesterday that Trump is a Psychopath not merely a Sociopath. His mental and psychological development keeps his functioning and behavior at a very low level. He didn’t get what he needed to grow up as a child because his parents were just like him, so very limited, not getting their place in the whole Life, and who they really were an why they were here…what gift they had to offer World.

    I am hoping for a renaissance these next four years. Not sure what this says about me, likely I’m too positive. But I do believe some movement for the good of the Country and World will occur, even with Trump and his Racist/Fascist companions and crazy Evangelicals and Big Oil and other Corporations denying Global Warming will be fighting the Biden/Harris crew and all we want them to accomplish. Who the Trump crew is came to light during his tenure. Howcan that not help those of us who can see more deeply, recognize Soul and Soul of the World…the Universe, everywhere around us?

    1. nicole

      Carol I also agree to your calm approach to the current temperature, it is refreshingly not confrontational but heartfelt and to the point. Thank God we will be on a new path with fresh ideas and thoughts and goals for a better future.