On The Occasion of A Birthday

A very dear friend is 23 years old today. I thought about his life and this verse was the outcome of those thoughts.

Happy Birthday, Kent.

I wish I could send you peace to heal your wounds.
I wish I could send you enough love to be enough.
I wish I could send you wisdom to create forever right answers.
I wish I could send you enough empathy to forgive yourself and forgive those who love you.
I wish I could send you understanding, to know you only have one physical body and you must take good care of your health.
I wish I could send you the joy of knowing you have family who will always be there for you.
I wish I could send you the ‘why’ you exist.
I wish I could send you time, for it takes so much to learn.
I wish I could send you as much kindness as you have sent to me.
I can only send my love and friendship. It is all I have, and I give it to you with peace, love, a bit of wisdom, empathy, understanding, joy, and kindness.
I cannot answer why, and I cannot give you more time.
Know I deeply love you. And with time, and if you listen very carefully, you will find out the ‘why’ of why you exist.